Autumn Art Fair





I have just returned from the annual Autumn Art Fair in the forests. I particularly enjoyed these aspen leaves, which remind me of some of Helen Frankenthaler and Mark Rothko's works. Or perhaps it is the other way round? Nature rocks! Year after year. The entrance is free and so are these works.
PS. Don't ask the name of the artist!
PSPS: More inspiration regarding Autumnal Tints.

Let it be, let it be

...for a man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.
Thoreau (source: Walden; or, Life in the Woods" 1854)

Face Forest

On my journey through the forests with House of WildWoodWoman, I have just made yet another stop and a site-specific art project - this time in Charlottenlund Skov (Charlottenlund Forest) near Copenhagen. Here I temporarily transformed the forest into a Face Forest by drawing faces on tree stumps with charcoal.
The exhibition and the ephemeral nature of the works was partly inspired by the Russian/Korean author Anatolij Kim, who writes poetically in "Otec-Les", ("Father-Forest"): "When a human being dies, it becomes a tree", and "when a tree dies, it becomes a human being".
Although I don't think this has to be taken literally, I think Man and Trees are constituent parts of an eternal cycle and connected physically as well as psychologically.
Which might be why we tend to project ourselves onto trees :-)
Where will the journey go from here?
I think Komtessens Plantage (The Countess's Plantation) on the island of Funen.

Urban Treescapes

I just returned from New York where I spent a considerable amount of time strolling along the streets of Soho and Union Square photographing (the shadows of) urban trees in dialogue with the surroundings and bypassers.
As always: I couldn't see the city for the trees. Oh happy days!

Bewildered in the Wilderness

 The Map
The Forest of Kisses
The Entrance
The signpost: "UNscientific research area"
The Thread Trail
House of Wild Wood Woman and the two forest attendants
Entrance sticker: "Totally dazed in the plantation"
A forest feast in the alder wood and a chat about our different perceptions of nature

Early spring Wild Wood Woman went east to Rø Plantation, Bornholm, Denmark to host and guide a special trip in collaboration with Danish Nature Agency and NaturBornholm.
Reversing the letters in "Rø", they become "øR", which means bewildered, dazed and confused. The audience was welcomed in the woody VIP lounge by a doormat and two forest attendants handing out entrance stickers.
After a short stroll through The Forest of Kisses the trip continued outside the forest trails following a pink thread for approximately 1½ km. Inspired by Troy labyrinths and the name of Rø the trip went round and round, in and out, up and down, crossing and re-crossing in an attempt to find anOTHER way of perceiving the forest.
Finally House of Wild Wood Woman hosted an end-of-trip celebration in a delightful little alderwood situated in a glade inside a pine forest.
What a plantation! Surely forests ARE made of DREAMS!

Unchopping a Tree

My way of unchopping a be continued.........
See also W.S. Merwin's story and Maya Lin's video.

LandScapes, MindScapes, DreamScapes?

Bretaye, Switzerland
Villars, Switzerland
Lake near Havhult, Sweden
Mount Huangshan, China
Hongcun Village, China
New York area, USA

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