Natural History no. 132


The word "natural history" has the scent of objective knowledge. It radiates the impression that it is possible to observe and describe and understand nature, if you just pursue your investigations long enough. But the latter part of the word: "history" reveals what is at stake: a history, a story, a tale.
That's why I love the word "natural history" - there is a certain consciousness integrated in the word - an awareness of the impossibility of describing nature objectively. The observer is "a piece of nature" as well.
That's why it is necessary to write in first person - I am inseparable from the observed object: NATURE. And also from the HISTORIES about it.

Natural History no. 42

Are your eyes on stalks, and are your ears wide open when it comes to picking up the numerous natural histories around you?
Otherwise try these ear plugs - made of 100 % moss.
They will make you all EARs.

Cultural Selection

Today I went to the opening of the exhibiton: The Origin of Domesticated Species around Væksthuset (The Growth House) at Copenhagen University.
Interesting to see how different plants like cabbage, heartsease and beet-plants have developed via human selection, in part methodically, and in part unconsciously, during the last 10.000 years. The exhibition is situated in a beautiful garden around the university and I will return with updated pictures when the plants have grown a bit more.

Natural History for beginners

The Green Table* is still growing and strange creatures appear - they have all got names but for a while I will let them remain unnamed - just to be enjoyed as they are.
* In Denmark "The Green Table" usually refers to an exam table - that table where you are sitting alone sweating on the one side with 2 examiners opposite you.

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