
Some of U out there may be familiar with the Scandinavian tradition of making woven X-mas hearts.
This week, however, I came across an extended version of this tradition. Fuglepigerne (the Girlie Birders) invited "fools & fowls" for "tea & teaching" and 25 creatures turned up ready and steady to embark on a craft demanding tweezers, scissors, glossy paper, dexterity and fingerspitzgefühl.
Inspired by the book Jule-Fugle-Flet we were taught how to weave birds like the golden oriole, black woodpecker, cormorant, long-tailed titmouse, nuthatch and blue tit.
I was sweating like a pig(eon), desperately trying to (pretend I was in) control of my 10 claws, but in the end I actually managed to complete a piece of work: the Golden Oriole!

Merry X-mas to all of U out there!

Can You Dance the Swedish Polka?

If Forestry is defined as "The science, art and practice of managing and using trees, forests and their associated resources for human benefit", then this might be a version of a kind of Female Forestry.
This video installation was originally shown as part of the exhibition "Who's that Tripping over my Bridge?" at Frederiks Bastion, Copenhagen 2002.
Made by Joss James, Anne Mølleskov and Ingrid Weiss.

Bad Girl Birders

Wauw - found this website Fuglepigerne (the Birder Girls) which is a nice supplement to "Bloke Birding".

Personally I gave up organized bird watching 25 years ago, because I found myself turned into an anthropologist instead of an ornithologist, while spending more time watching "birder blokes" and their odd and UNNATURAL behaviour than watching birds.

Too me "Girl Birding" represents more than just watching birds - a more holistic approach, acknowledging that there is so much more to our relationship with birds than just watching them: BEING with them, feeling them, identifying with them etc.
AND loving them - whether they are wild, in cages, stuffed, cooked, portrayed or painted on dinnerware.

Into the Unknown Happy New Year!

I don't know where I am going, but I know where I am.

And I am reading "Walking" by Henry David Thoreau (much about him soon to come).

This little great book began as a lecture, first delivered in USA 1851 and later published in 1862 after his death.

It is a lyric, meandering essay celebrating what is wild and untamed in the world and encouraging the reader to truly understand the Art of Walking and become a real SAUNTERER.

He writes:

" I have met with but one or two persons in the course of my life who understood the art of Walking, that is, of taking walks -- who had a genius, so to speak, for SAUNTERING"


"It is true, we are but faint-hearted crusaders, even the walkers, nowadays, who undertake no persevering, never-ending enterprises. Our expeditions are but tours, and come round again at evening to the old hearthside from which we set out. Half the walk is but retracing our steps. We should go forth on the shortest walk, perchance, in the spirit of undying adventure, never to return, prepared to send back our embalmed hearts only as relics to our desolate kingdoms".

And later in the book:

"No wealth can buy the requisite leisure, freedom, and independence which are the capital in this profession. It comes only by the grace of God. It requires a direct dispensation from Heaven to become a walker."

Thoreau himself preferred the impervious and quaking swamps to towns and cities with its cultivated lawns and fields.

In this spirit I shall enter 2008 with a walk into the unknown - and who knows - if I take a flight next year and look down at 2008 - my route might have turned out to be a STORK like in Isak Dinesens little story from "Out of Africa" - described here.

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